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New collaborative papers accepted for publication.

March 15, 2016

New collaborative papers with the laboratories of Professors Rhima Coleman and Ariella Shikanov were accepted for publication in Advanced Healthcare Materials and Soft Matter, respectively (see Publications page for links).  CSET Lab members contibuted expertise in hydrogel mechanical characterization.  Congratulations to all!

New paper accepted in Acta Biomaterialia.

October 16, 2015

Ana Rioja's paper entitled "Endothelial sprouting and network formation in collagen- and fibrin-based modular microbeads" was accepted for publication in Acta Biomaterialia.  This work is part of our collaboration with Dr. Stegemann's lab.

Lab Presentations at BMES

October 7-10, 2015

Three members of the CSET Lab traveled to steamy Tampa, Florida to present our latest findings at the annual meeting of the Biomedical Engineering Society.  Yen and Ana both gave fantastic presentations, and Andy served as the co-chair of the Tissue Engineering track this year.

Welcome new lab members!

Summer 2015

Two new post-doctoral fellows joined the lab this summer.  We welcome Dr. David Lai, who completed his PhD at UM in 2014 in Dr. Shu Takayama's lab.  We also welcome Dr. Jeff Beamish, who completed the MD/PhD program at Case Western Univeristy, a residency in internal medicine, and is currently at nephrology fellow here at UM.

Congratulations to Ana Rioja!

March 15, 2015

Ana received two awards at the University of Michigan's Student Leaders and Honors Brunch, including a Distinguished Leadership Award from the College of Engineering and the Elaine Harden Award (presented to the Engineering student organization that best exemplifies dedicated leadership and service to the community) for her work on behalf of the Society for Hispanic Professional Engineers. These awards follow her receipt of a PhD Candidate Achievement Award at the Annual Scholar POWER Academic Awards Banquet in February.  Congratulations, Ana! 

Congratulations, Dr. Singh!

March 13, 2015

Rahul successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation entitled "The Role of Endothelial Mechanosensing in Capillary Development and Organization" at the Rackham Building on Friday the 13th.  After completing some edits to his thesis, Rahul plans to start a new job at Baxter. Congratulations!

Congratulations, Dr. Vigen!

November 6, 2014.

Marina successfully defended her Ph.D dissertation entitled "Investigating the Role of Matrix Architecture on Vascularization in MMP- Sensitive PEG Hydrogels" before a large crowd at the Lurie Engineering Center. Congratulations, Dr. Vigen!  Marina has moved on to a consulting job with McKinsey.

Welcome, Jonathan!

October 7, 2014

Jonathan Bezenah has officially joined our group.  He is pursuing his Ph.D. in chemical engineering here at UM.

NIH R01 Renewed!

August 8, 2014

Our research in the area of angiogenesis received a dose of good news in the form of a new grant from the National Institutes of Health.  You can read a description of the project at the link below.

Dr. Putnam officially becomes director of the Cellular Biotechnology Training Program

July 1, 2014

As of today, Dr. Putnam has taken over the reigns from Dr. Joel Swanson as the Director of UM's NIH-funded Cellular Biotechnology Training Program (CBTP).  This T32 training grant has been NIH funded since the early 1990s. Dr. Putnam was even a CBTP trainee himself in the late 90s!

Help for a scarred heart

February 14, 2014

Poets and physicians alike know that a scarred heart can’t beat the way it used to, but the science of reprogramming cells offers hope – for the physical heart, at least. A team of U-M biomedical engineers has turned groups of cells typically found in scar tissue into colonies of beating heart cells. (Yen's paper in Scientific Reports featured by the UM News Service.)

Engineering blood vessels

April 2, 2013

One of the major obstacles to growing new organs -- replacement hearts, lungs and kidneys, for example -- is the difficulty researchers face in building blood vessels to keep those tissues alive.

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